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Hello Burners, get ready...

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There's a date, there's a location, there's presale tickets! Find out everything you need to know and how to co-create this Burn Night below. 

How exciting, tickets are finally available!

Contact tracing and all, you know the drill! This is expected to be a 2G+ event, so come vaccinated or recovered in the last 6 months and tested. Self-testing is sufficient as of today. Tickets are not personalized and can be refunded in case of cancellation. The details may change depending on the Covid-19 regulations. Please bring proof of your vaccination or recovery as a QR code and install the Luca app or the Corona-Warn-App. You will also need to bring a photo proof of your rapid test with you – watch your emails! Let's make sure we can celebrate safely together. 


You must get your online ticket in advance – there's no box office.

Burn Night Berlin 2021

Regular Ticket

Birgit & Bier, Schleusenufer 3, 10997 Berlin

Get your ticket

One more thing: A few realizer roles and critical volunteer shifts are open 🔥 Volunteering is the best way to connect with fellow Burners and to build friendships along the way. We promise we will fluff you! Also, feel free to invite your friends to our Facebook event.

Let's co-create a sparkling Burn Night

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You have an idea for a workshop or activity?

You want to bring a magical workshop or performance to our Burn Night? Here is your chance to shine! Tell us a little bit about it and...

🔥 apply here until 21 November

If you need funding, check out Art Grants.

Three floors pumped with our communities' music

You want to gift a DJ or live performance? Your workshop needs a big sound system? You want to decorate a floor? There will be three different floors that we can play music on. Your chance to get on the timetable!

How? 🔜 Apply until 13 November

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Get your creative juices flowing...

... and bring your art project! If you need support for transportation or materials, you can ask for some shiny coins. Just go to the Dreams website and put your art project up! You will need to create a new account. Let's decorate! If you want to make the venue more shiny, please tag @Roko in this thread.

Radical participation and collaboration

Dive deeper into the night: Realizers, get in touch!

Our community is committed to a radically participatory ethic. We believe that transformative change, whether in the individual or in society, can occur only through the medium of deeply personal participation. We achieve being through doing – but we will also let fail what the community doesn’t carry:

The greeting, transport, food, opening ceremony or strike realizer roles are still open. Everyone is invited – come on board, co-create & play with us!

Realizer sign-up

No strike team means no fancy decorations – or even no party at all. Everyone would at least have to remove their own equipment and organize transport themselves. Community effort is more fun, right? This is your chance to make this an even more awesome event!

Our event is run exclusively by volunteers – that means you.

Burn Night Graphic

Take a volunteer shift

Volunteering at the Burn Night is the best opportunity to get a sweet little taste of how we co-create events. You will meet other lovely Burners, have fun together and definitely receive some fluffing!

But how to sign up? It's only two steps:

1️⃣ Submit your contact details here
2️⃣ Choose your shift in this sheet

Get in touch

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© 2021 Kiez Burn e.V. – all rights reserved | legal notice | privacy policy | icons by Freepik

If you experienced harm or an incident where you felt your boundaries were crossed at Kiez Burn or any related event within the community, you can report this. You can do this anonymously if you feel safer that way, or if you do not wish to have any follow-up. Please pass on this info to anyone you know who has had a difficult experience.

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