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Behavioral Health 

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Good Afternoon,

Building resilience is an ongoing process and especially important during hard times. Resiliency is our ability to "bounce back" and persevere, even when life events and other barriers make success difficult.

Today we're sharing information and articles to help you, your employees or the families you serve build new skills and strengthen your ability to face adversity.

We hope you find these resources helpful!

How to Help Families and Staff Build Resilience During the COVID-19 Outbreak

Three ways to build resilience | Audience: Employers

Resilience can help us get through and overcome hardship. But resilience is not something we’re born with—it’s built over time as the experiences we have interact with our unique, individual genetic makeup. That’s why we all respond to stress and adversity—like that from the COVID-19 pandemic—differently. Read More...

Build resiliency during uncertain times

Following the recipe for building resilience | Audience: Everyone
Although the definition of resilience is the same for everyone, there is no single recipe for how to go about building it in your own life. Building resiliency is really about finding what energizes and motivates you to deal with challenging times. Read More...

How to Cope with Job Stress and Build Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Recognize, take steps, manage, and get help if you need it | Audience: Employees

Whether you are going into work or working from home, the COVID-19 pandemic has probably changed the way you work. Fear and anxiety about this new disease and other strong emotions can be overwhelming, and workplace stress can lead to burnout. Read More...

Digital Resilience Toolkit
Advice to help children become more resilient online | Audience: Families

Just like teaching a child to ride a bike or cross the road, digital resilience is another way to highlight the need to help children cope with whatever the online world throws at them. Read More...

Stay safe and be well,

Amber Rosewood

Cowlitz Community Network
360-442-7089 | 360-430-2991

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