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Self-Care and Depression 

Good Morning,

Depression is a short or long-term mental condition that makes a person feel sad and unable to enjoy things that used to make them happy. Symptoms vary from person to person and can include irritability, sleeplessness or oversleeping, under or overeating, a lack of energy and maybe even suicidal thoughts.

People suffering from Depression may experience difficulty at work or school and often have a hard time taking care of themselves, meeting their obligations, or engaging with their loved ones. But, with the right treatment, someone with Depression can recover and go on to lead a full and satisfying life. 

Self care for those living with or recovering from Depression is crucial. Today we've included links and resources to self care ideas and techniques to help you live your best life, or help someone you care about.

We hope you find this information helpful!

TRAINING OPPORTUNITY: New Parenthood in the Time of COVID: Finding resilience and perseverance for our clients and ourselves

January 29, 2021 
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
CEU's and Contact Hours Eligible


Developing your self-care program for depression

Self-care doesn't mean you're on your own, without any help. Ask your friends and family for ideas and support. Your doctor can help you understand and practice self-care methods. The keys to success are to get started and stick with your self-care program, even when you're feeling better.  Click Here to Read More...

Mental and emotional well being

This can be a stressful time. It is normal that you or your loved ones might feel anxious, sad, scared or angry. You are not alone. It is okay to seek out and ask for help. The resources here are a good place to start.  Click Here to Read More...

Why Self-Care is Hard for Depressed Individuals

Children and adults who are depressed frequently have trouble doing many of the following things listed below, all of which are executive functioning skills. It's important that depressed people realize, as well as family and friends of loved ones who are depressed, that having trouble with self-care is not due to laziness, or not trying hard enough or from weakness. The issue here is significant brain dysfunction that impairs self-care success. Click Here to Read More...

Self Care Action Plan


Suicide Prevention Lifeline


WA Recovery Help Line

If you are experiencing excess stress due to COVID-19, call Washington Listens at 833-681-0211 for support and resources.

Stay safe and be well,

Amber Rosewood

Program Coordinator

Cowlitz Community Network
360-442-7089 | 360-430-2991

[email protected]

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