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Behavioral Health 

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Good Morning,

Teenagers are often under tremendous amounts of stress. Pressure to achieve good grades, excel at sports and activities, and fit in with their peers can add up. 

Today we've put together links to help teens find the information they need to make informed and educated decisions, as well as information for parents and educators. We hope you find these resources helpful.

Quick Links for Teens 
Young Men's Health
Young Women's Health
NAMI Teens & Young Adults
Teens Health

Could My Parent Have an Addiction? 

Having a parent with an addiction can be frightening, frustrating, and stressful. When someone you care about has an a, you can feel helpless and wonder if it's your fault. You are not to blame. There is nothing you could have done to cause your parent's addiction. Click Here to Read More...


Know Before You Go

Know Before You Go is a resource that is intended for 12th grade students and the educators who support them, as they transition from high school to post-secondary studies and/or employment. This life skills resource helps students anticipate, identify and navigate situations they will encounter when entering the realm of postsecondary education. Click Here to Read More... 


Positively Connect with Your Teen

Children whose relationships with their parents can be characterized as consistent, warm, kind, loving, and stable, are much more likely to: initiate positive social interactions with others, respond to situations with empathy, be cooperative with others, exhibit a higher self-esteem and make healthy life choices, including the decision not to use alcohol and other drugs. Click Here to Read More...


Stay safe and be well,

Amber Rosewood

Cowlitz Community Network
360-442-7089 | 360-430-2991

Are there behavioral health topics you would like more information about? Let us know by email at [email protected]

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